Arctic Inland Water Monitoring and Forecast

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The Arctic Inland Water Monitoring and Forecast thematic app allows the operational processing of the Hydrology TEP water level service for areas located in the Arctic. These selected areas fulfill the following conditions:

  • A selection of suitable cross-sections of the Sentinel-3 satellite track

  • Arctic rivers included in the Arctic HYPE model

The aim of this service is to combine river discharge simulations from the Arctic HYPE model provided by SMHI with the Earth Observation (EO) water level data provided by isardSAT.

Therefore, users of the communities interested in the regions of the Arctic will be able to:

  • Establish stage-discharge relationships for estimating river discharge from the water level data

  • Operational production of EO water level data for the Arctic regions

  • River discharge estimates for Arctic regions

In order to get started with the Arctic Inland Water Monitoring and Forecast service, you can read the documentation.

Service specifications


  • Sentinel 3A and 3B
  • Saral-Altika
  • Jason 3
  • Water extent from the Global Surface Water Explorer
  • Arctic-HYPE model data


  • Water level time series at virtual stations
  • River discharge time series at virtual stations

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