The Water Quality thematic app provides key parameters of water quality measures, such as: chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids and colored dissolved organic matter based on organic absorption and surface water temperature.
This service has been generated by EOMAP’s proprietary water quality processor Modular Inversion and Processing system (MIP). This processor includes sensor independent state of the art algorithms for adjacency correction, coupled atmospheric in water retrieval considering all bidirectional aspects from extreme clean to extreme turbid case 2 waters in a physically correct approach.
The Water Quality service is currently available for 2 regions:
In order to get started with the Water Quality service, you can read the documentation and the service pricing.
The resolution of the outputs is of 10m
Chlorophyll-a (CHL)
Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)
Total Suspended Solids/Matter (TSS/TSM)
Secchi Disk Depth (SDD)
Harmful Algae Bloom Indicator (HAB)
Trophic State Index (TSC)
Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS)
The resolution of outputs is of 30m
Chlorophyll-a (CHL)
Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)
Total Suspended Solids/Matter (TSS/TSM)
Secchi Disk Depth (SDD)
Surface Water Temperature (SWT)
Harmful Algae Bloom Indicator (HAB)
Trophic State Index (TSC)
Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS)
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