
Presentation of Hydrology TEP at AARSE 2016 in Kampala (Uganda)

The 11th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) took place in Kampala, Uganda from the 24th until the 28th October 2016. AARSE was founded in 1992. As a member of the UN-ECA’s Executive Working Group on Geo-information, AARSE also participates in, and contributes to the activities of the UN-ECA Committee on Development Information, Science and Technology (CODIST), sub-Committee on Geo-information.

During the Session dedicated to COPERNICUS, the latest developments of Hydrology TEP were illustrated by Massimo Menenti (TUDelft) with a presentation emphasizing the advantages of the cloud implementation. This presentation concluded the Session after five presentations on different aspects of Copernicus and emphasized the evolution from large centralized data archiving and processing facilities and services towards user-driven and end-to-end exploitation of Earth Observation data.

This bi-annual international conference brought together over 600 scientists, practitioners, vendors of products and government officials from various countries across the globe. A large part of the first day was dedicated to the perspectives of cooperation in Earth Observation (EO) between Africa and China. One of the sub-themes was Management of Big Data and Spatial Data Infrastructure.